Worth a Look: Increasing Anxiety Over Israeli False-Flag Attack on US Navy to Start War on Iran

What if the News Media Reports Missiles Launched From the Iranian Coast Hit a US Aircraft Carrier With Deaths and Casualties? “We interrupt this broadcast for an important News bulletin…. We take you to reporter Manfred Smith on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in the Persian Gulf for this special report.” (Reporter Smith) “I’m …

Marcus Aurelius: US Navy Hypes Water Drone Threat

‘Stunning’ Increase In Espionage Attacks The Situation Room (CNN), 5:00 PM WOLF BLITZER: It’s some of the U.S. military’s most critical classified technology, underwater drones. But according to a new Pentagon report, it’s under constant attack by foreign spies. Our Pentagon Correspondent Barbara Starr is over at the Pentagon. She’s got the details. Barbara, a …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: US “Strategic Decrepitude” vis a vis South China Sea–US Navy goes wee wee wee, Hilary Clinton Does the Gerbil

China-US-South China Sea: The Chinese government reacted angrily on Monday to the announcement by US Secretary of State Clinton that Washington might step into a long-simmering territorial dispute between China and its smaller neighbors over sovereign rights to the South China Sea. Speaking Friday at a forum of Southeast Asian countries in Vietnam, Clinton apparently …

Antechinus: Citizens as Enemies in Navy Seal Domestic Exercises

US Citizens as Pawns in Navy Domestic War Games United States Navy SEALs plan war games in the state of Washington from January 14 to be ongoing for the next two years, where they would encroach upon residential areas, state parks, national parks, etc, without Federal approvals or consent of the public. The war games treat …