G.I. Wilson: Killer Drones, Moral Disengagement, + War Crimes RECAP

The Psychology of Killer Drones – action against our foes; reaction affecting us G. I. Wilson Fabius Maximus, 28 September 2011 Summary:  We now have enough experience with drone warfare to study its effects.  Just as in physics, our actions affect ourselves as well as our targets. Social science research shows that drones are a gateway to moral disengagement dehumanization, …

Worth a Look: Discerning the Truth in Libya

Phi Beta Iota:   Bottom line: USA/NATO operating a massive Information Operations (IO) campaign while introducing ground forces not authorized by Congress, and committing what we consider to be mass atrocities (war crimes) in the deliberative destruction of the capital city and other infrastructure targets across the country. Libya Latest News Thursday Lure of Oil: ‘NATO …

Journal: Fidel Castro, Other Indicators of Nuclear War

Fidel Castro Warns of Imminent Nuclear War; Admiral Mullen Threatens Iran; US-Israel Vs. Iran-Hezbollah Confrontation Builds On Multiple Fronts Webster G. Tarpley TARPLEY.net August 9, 2010 READ FULL STORY Phi Beta Iota: We take historian Webster Tarpley very seriously.  He nailed it with his book 9/11 Synthetic Terror–Made in USA, Fourth Edition that was quickly …

Journal: Tobin Tax (Tax the Moving Money Not Earned Income) Coming Forward

The Tobin tax or Wall Street sales tax is rapidly gathering momentum thanks to a bid by British Labour Party MPs to save themselves from looming defeat at the hands of the Tories by playing this great economic populist card. If the Labour Party succeeds with this gambit, it will tend to transform the situation …

Journal: Israel, False-Flags, Dual-Citizens, & Smiles

Phi Beta Iota: We have been increasingly concerned by the penetration of US Government agencies by a two-pronged Israeli assualt, mixing dual-citizens in positions of either influence  or observation potential, and Israeli-provided and supported software that vacuum-cleans from within.  To this ugly mix the Israeli’s add false-flag operations–we believe 9-11 included both an Israeli false-flag …