Mongoose: Vaccines Cause Autism (Five Definitive Replicative Discoveries) CDC is a Criminal Enterprise!

International scientists have found autism’s cause. What will Americans do? Discovery #1: “Maternal Immune Activation” [with aluminum] can cause autism Discovery #2: Aluminum Adjuvant causes immune activation and is far more neurotoxic than previously thought Discovery #3: Aluminum can increase IL-6 in the brain Discovery #4: Hepatitis B vaccine induces IL-6 in postnatal rats Discovery …

Robert Steele: Washington Examiner on Trump’s Successes (Vastly Superior to What the White House Communications Team Can Produce)

ROBERT STEELE: My focus is on election reform so as to terminate the Deep State. To that end I believe that President Donald Trump is my best shot at getting this idea considered. Sadly the White House Communications Team sucks.  They are simply incapable of presenting the President and his accomplishments to the public in …

Robert Steele: 9/11 Truth Letter of Transmittal to President Trump

Mr. President, On 15 February 2016, speaking to a wildly enthusiastic crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina, you promised that under your watch, We the People would “find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” Throughout the campaign you were alone among prominent public figures to express skepticism on 9/11 by observing that the …

Tom-Scott Gordon: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 WTC Towers Condemned Before 9/11, Cost to Dismantle $2B+, 2007 Deadline, Known to Rudy Giuliani (Mayor of NYC from 1994 – December 2001)

9/11 WTC Towers Condemned Before 9/11, Cost to Dismantle $2B+, 2007 Deadline, Known to Rudy Giuliani (Mayor of NYC from 1994 – December 2001) 21 July 2018 Mr. President, As early as 1989, it was known to the owners of WTC that the buildings must be brought down before 2007 because the interior steel and …

Joe Olson: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Twin Towers were destroyed using “clean nukes”, WTC 7 with conventional demolitions

9/11 Twin Towers were destroyed using “clean nukes”, WTC 7 with conventional demolitions 6 July 2018 Mr. President, “Clean Nukes.” The Twin Towers and most of the World Trade Center (apart from WTC-7, which came down seven hours later in a classic controlled demolition) appear to have been demolished – much of it vaporized – …

Deborah Taveres: Geo-Engineered Fires, Property Scams & Seizures

Deborah Taveres says there were 30 fires in one three-day weekend, taking out over 8,000 buildings and killing over 40 people. She says elites are moving in to scoop up property and discusses a new company that is connnecting “pay to stay” foreign investors with the purchase of disaster property at the same time that …