Chuck Spinney: Todd Pierce on Cheneyism — Are We the New Nazis?

Todd Pierce has produced a tour de force that is crucially important to your appreciation of the increasing possibility of Cold War II. Related subjects not discussed include (1) the role of domestic politics in shaping the systematic expansion of NATO in violation of our promises to Gorbachev as a quid pro quo for ending …

Gordon Duff: 9/11 Unraveling within Congress — Saudis and Israel and Bush-Cheney in the Headlights

UPDATE 18 Mar 14: See also Mini-Me: 9/11 Convergence + NEW Information + Comment by Robert Steele + List of Advance Warnings from Over 13 Countries ‘Mossad, Bush planned, executed 9/11’ Recent revelations published on the Press TV website, the New York Post and Veterans Today have changed history. The story was simple, two American …

Penguin: Accountability Looms for Cheney, Bush, Blair

UK Spy Warns of Iraq War Disclosures Exclusive: For more than a decade since the Iraq invasion, President Bush, Prime Minister Blair and their senior aides have stuck to the story of innocent intelligence mistakes and evaded accountability. But the code of silence may crack if top British spy Richard Dearlove tells his story, says ex-UK intelligence officer Annie Machon. By …

Berto Jongman: YouTube (11:49) NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice on Russia Today Detailng NSA Targeting Supreme Court, Flag Officers, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Many Members of Congress, Barack Obama BEFORE He Won Senate Election, Etc. — at Direction of Vice President Dick Cheney

Does the US Intelligence Community have NSA-sourced leverage that allows it to avoid — to refuse — being sequestered?  Is there a shadow government?  These are questions asked on this program.  Is Dick Cheney still in charge?  What’s different?  “The Orwellian scale.”  “Post office taking a photo of every envelope.”

Susan Lindauer: YouTube (9:52) — RT Interview on How Bush and Cheney Both Knew About 9/11 Months Before It Happened

“Breaking the Set:” Bush &  Cheney Knew About 9/11 Months Before It Happened Says Whistleblower Charged Under Patriot Act (Video) By Susan Lindauer Abby Martin is one of the best interviewers I have ever encountered in the corporate media. Abby has guts and smarts. Our interview on “Breaking the Set” was ground-breaking for not flinching …

David Swanson: Iraqi Files Suit Over Illegal War, Bush, Rice, Powell Served via “Justice,” Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfoqitz to be Served

Bush, Rice, Powell Served in Suit Filed by Iraqi Over Illegal War Attorney Inder Comar is maintaining a website at which describes the lawsuit: Witness Iraq has brought a lawsuit against key members of the Bush Administration: George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell and Paul Wolfowitz. In …