James Corbett: YouTube (1:30:11) Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

What is the Federal Reserve system? How did it come into existence? Is it part of the federal government? How does it create money? Why is the public kept in the dark about these important matters? In this feature-length documentary film, The Corbett Report explores these important question and pulls back the curtain on America’s …

SchwartzReport: LIBOR Rigging a Known Crime Against Humanity – Federal Reserve & Treasury Known Co-Conspirators. Say What?

The sad reality is that international finance has largely become a criminal enterprise. This is part of the growing Inequity Trend and, I think, it is going to lead to another worldwide economic collapse sometime in the near future. Click through to see the video. Fed Knows LIBOR Rate Rigging is a Criminal Conspiracy-Ellen Brown …

4th Media: Bank of England & Federal Reserve Knew About & Encouraged Massive Interest Rate Manipulation by Big Banks

Bank of England & Federal Reserve Knew About & Encouraged Massive Interest Rate Manipulation by Big Banks We noted in 2012 that bot the Bank of England and Federal Reserve knew about the Libor interest rate rigging scandal by the big banks. Newly-released minutes of the meeting of the Fed’s Open Market Committee confirm that the Fed knew about …

Money for Nothing: New Documentary in September on the “Federal Reserve”

Nearly 100 years after its creation, the power of the U.S. Federal Reserve has never been greater. Markets and governments around the world hold their breath in anticipation of the Fed Chairman’s every word. Yet the average person knows very little about the most powerful – and least understood – financial institution on earth. Narrated …

Chuck Spinney: Federal Reserve Screwing the Public — Again…

My good good buddy Dr. Newk Mindshaftgap has written a juicy little report, attached below, in which he politely exposes the emptiness of the fact-free fiscal debate that is now electrifying the synapses of the pols, pundits, and courtiers in Versailles on the Potomac.  To be sure, our nation has a debt problem, but, as …