Wayne Jett: Trump Can Save Capitalism By Ending Federal Reserve and Mercantilism (Throw in a Balanced Budget and a Gold-Backed Dollar For Best Results)

RETURN TO CAPITALISM End the Fed and TBTF Banks …capitalism lost much of its role in America when the global ruling elite got their privately owned Federal Reserve in 1913 and imposed the Great Depression beginning in October, 1929. Since then, mercantilism has ruled economic affairs in the U. S. and the world. But now, …

Lance Schuttler: Liens on Federal Reserve, Trump Plan for Gold Standard? Are Trump, Xi, and Putin Collaborating Secretly Against the Deep State?

Liens Filed Against the Federal Reserve: The Key to Trump Ending the Fed & Returning the Gold Standard? While there are certainly forces within the “Deep State“ or “Shadow Government” that obviously oppose any moves to bring back the gold standard and end the Federal Reserve, the timing may be ideal for a massive push to …

Brandon Smith: Donald Trump as the Scapegoat — Wall Street & Federal Reserve Are Setting Him Up….

Federal Reserve is now initiating the economic end game We have heard endless lies and rationalizations… As I have been arguing for most of the past year, the election of Donald Trump was inevitable and would precede the triggering of the final stage of our ongoing economic crisis. I came to realize that the Fed’s …

Lance Schuttler: Ex-CIA Spy Calls For IRS, Federal Reserve To Be Abolished and An Electoral Reform Act Passed

Ex-CIA Spy Calls For IRS, Federal Reserve To Be Abolished and An Electoral Reform Act Passed Robert David Steele is no stranger to telling things how they simply are. And just this past week, he has once again made several paradigm-shifting statements that is bound to get the attention of many throughout the world. In …

Eagle: Federal Reserve on the Record – 76 Million Americans Struggling Financially

The United States population on July 4, 2015 was: 321,442,019. Of these, an average of about 95% are US citizens, for a total US citizen population of roughly 305,369,918. The below report from the Federal Reserve says that 76 million Americans are struggling financially and half of all Americans don’t have the savings to pay …

Berto Jongman: Sorcha Faal (David Booth) on Donald Trump as Andrew Jackson Reprise, Battle to the Death with Federal Reserve, Vatican, CIA, and the Deep State

Freemasonic Forces Led By Donald Trump Launch “Soon To Be Deadly” American Coup d’état …Freemasonic forces (for the first time in 188 years) led by American billionaire Donald Trump, and aided by secretive elements within both the Sicilian and American mafia, are presently engaged in a “soon to be deadly” all-out battle against the US …