Wayne Jett: Gold, Dollar, Living Standards, Trade Talks

GOLD, DOLLAR & PRICES Trade Talks Must Succeed Thirty years ago, President George Bush hustled Americans along the road to a “new world order,” code words meaning an end to nations with elected representative governments. Bush 41 put the North American Free Trade Agreement into place, and his protégé and successor, President Bill Clinton, admitted …

Robert Steele: Judy Shelton Is Right — Gold-Backed Currencies Now!

I have been following a number of alternative (which is to say, honest) economic minds for some years now, including Martin Armstrong, John Bogle (RIP), Ellen Brown, Karl Denninger, William Engdahl, Edgar Feige, William Greider, Wayne Jett and yes, Judy Shelton.  She nailed it and our President was very wise to hear her out on …

Zero Hedge: Judy Shelton (Sound Money Gold Advocate) to Federal Reserve? Robert Steele: Global Currency Reset This Week & Next?

Judy Shelton, Trump’s Next Fed Choice, Favors A Gold Standard And Free Trade Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk, Economist Judy Shelton, a Trump economic advisor and a gold standard advocate is rumored to be Trump’s next Fed pick. Bloomberg reports White House Considers Economist Judy Shelton for Fed Board The White House is considering conservative …

Zero Hedge: Italy Moves To Seize Gold From Central Bank – “It Belongs To The People, Not The Bankers”

“It Belongs To The People, Not The Bankers” – Italy Moves To Seize Gold From Central Bank But as The Wall Street Journal concludes, the 5 Star Movement and the League support public ownership of the gold reserves, and with backing from parties comprising 60% of lawmakers, the draft law has enough support to pass. …

Michelle Goldberg: Kushner Inc — Privilege as Sociopathy — Clueless in Washington — and Hated….

Who Do Jared and Ivanka Think They Are? New York Times As political actors, the couple are living exemplars of the Dunning-Kruger effect, a psychological phenomenon which leads incompetent people to overestimate their ability because they can’t grasp how much they don’t know. Partly, the Jared and Ivanka story is about the “reality distortion field” …