Robert Steele: World Brain / Global Game Update with Concept for School of Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance and Centre for Multinational Multiagency Multidisciplinary Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2)

As the global economy collapses and increasing numbers recognize that no one is addressing our common problems with intelligence and integrity, it seems like a good time to quickly survey the state of the World Brain /Global Game. Here are a few headlines with short comments. 2011-07-07 Complex Global Issues Explored in the World Brain …

Patrick Meier: Crisis Mapping Syria – Automated Data Mining and Crowdsourced Human Intelligence

Crisis Mapping Syria: Automated Data Mining and Crowdsourced Human Intelligence The Syria Tracker Crisis Map is without doubt one of the most impressive crisis mapping projects yet. Launched just a few weeks after the protests began one year ago, the crisis map is spearheaded by a just handful of US-based Syrian activists have meticulously and …

Patrick Meier: Mobile Technologies, Crisis Mapping, & Disaster Response

Mobile Technologies, Crisis Mapping & Disaster Response: My Talk at #WMC12 Many thanks to GSMA for their kind invitation to speak at the 2012 World Mobile Congress (WMC12) in Barcelona, Spain. GSMA is formally launching its Disaster Response Program at WMC12 with an inaugural working group. “The Disaster Response programme seeks to understand how mobile operators …

Live Crisis Mapping: Routing Around Old Mindsets

OCHA, UNOSAT and NetHope have been collaborating with the Volunteer Technical Community (VTC) specifically CrisisMappers, Crisis Commons, Open Street Map, and the Google Crisis Response Team over the past week. The CrisisMappers Standby Task Force has been undertaking a mapping of social media, news reports and official situation reports from within Libya and along the …

Soil Mapping

A global consortium has been formed that aims to make a new digital soil map of the world using state-of-the-art and emerging technologies for soil mapping and predicting soil properties at fine resolution. This new global soil map will be supplemented by interpretation and functionality options that aim to assist better decisions in a range of …

Reference: MountainRunner on Information Operations National Security will require Smarter Networks (Ali Fisher on June 1, 2010) An Introduction to Using Network Maps in Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communication (Ali Fisher on October 8, 2009) Ali Fisher is Director of Mappa Mundi Consulting and a former Director of Counterpoint, the cultural relations think-tank of the British Council. Ali blogs …