Patrick Meier: Optimizing Distributed Collaboration for Live Crisis Mapping

Optimizing Distributed Collaboration for Live Crisis Mapping My colleague Duncan Watts recently spoke with Scientific American about a  new project I am collaborating on with him & colleagues at Microsoft Research. I first met Duncan while at the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) back in 2006. We recently crossed paths again (at 10 Downing Street, of all places), and …

Yoda: Mind-Mapping Advances–Listening Does Not

Behold the Awesome Science of Mind-Mapping An Instructionalicious Guide Mindmapping is a very serious and well researched subject, or art … or something . Whatever it is a map of the mind is definately something to be valued and this ‘instructionalicious’ guide is no exception. Allow this infographic to simultaneously blow and map your mind. …

Patrick Meier: Crowd-Sourcing, Crisis Mapping, & Sustainable Resilience

Could Social Media Have Prevented the Largest Mass Poisoning of a Population in History? I just finished reading a phenomenal book. Resilience: Why Things Bounce Back, was co-authored by my good friend Andrew Zolli of PopTech fame and his won-derful colleague Ann Marie Healey. I could easily write several dozen blog posts on this brilliant book. Consider this the …

Patrick Meier: Introducing GeoXray for Crisis Mapping

Introducing GeoXray for Crisis Mapping My colleague Joel Myhre recently pointed me to Geosemble’s GeoXray platform, which “automatically filters content to your geographic area of interest and to your keywords of interest to provide you with timely, relevant information that enables you and your organization to make better decisions faster.” While I haven’t tested the platform, …

Howard Rheingold: Introduction to No Limits Mind Mapping

TheBrain :: Introduction to No Limits Mind Mapping I’ve used The Brain myself and have played a number of these webinars. It takes some commitment, but it’s really an infotention tool far more than just a mind-mapping tool.  –Howard “Your Brain lets you make unlimited connections and instantly find any idea or file. This seminar …

Patrick Meier: Future Trends in Global Geospatial Information Management

Future Trends in Global Geospatial Information Management The United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Information Management (GGIM) recently organized a meeting of thought-leaders and visionaries in the geo-spatial world to identify the future of this space over the next 5-10 years. These experts came up with some 80+ individual predictions. I’ve included some of the …