Berto Jongman: The Mystery of ISIS — Robert Steele: The Mendacity of the West

The Mystery of ISIS Anonymous  NYT Review of Books  August 13, 2015 Issue Nothing since the triumph of the Vandals in Roman North Africa has seemed so sudden, incomprehensible, and difficult to reverse as the rise of ISIS. None of our analysts, soldiers, diplomats, intelligence officers, politicians, or journalists has yet produced an explanation rich …

Howard Rheingold: Meta-Collaboration

Wonderfully, this post addresses three subjects I track because I know they are important: metacognition and its role in infotention, augmented collective intelligence, and the relationship of human cooperation to social media. Meta-Collaboration: Thinking With Another Feeling the emotions of others, social acceptance, and cooperation are critical to our early development of the identity and …

Robert Steele: Vilification of the Confederate Flag is Abusive, Despicable, Ignorant Public Misbehavior

Every time I think I have seen President Obama hit bottom he exceeds my previous expectations. The recent vilification of the heritage of half the country, criminalizing the symbol of that heritage for tens of millions of Americans, is gratuitously divisive, to say the least. It also displays a stunning ignorance of history, and a …

Open Power: Libertarian Focus

We are splitting Open Power in three to make it easier for the different constituencies to work with what particularly interests them.The original will remain focused on the Electoral Reform Act of 2015. Tools can be seen at Here is the Tiny URL for Libertarians:  Home page remains Robert Steele Short Bio …

Yoda: Argentine President to UN – 1% Practicing Economic Terrorism on Global Scale

Truth, this is…. Speech to the United Nations of Argentine President Cristina Fernandez: 1% Practicing Economic Terrorism on a Global Scale “The dead cannot repay debts.” Published on Sep 27, 2014 The speech is delivered in Spanish with professional English sub-titling. Phi Beta Iota: There is no doubt at all that the crimes against humanity …