Paul Craig Roberts: Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out The Human Race

Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out The Human Race To inform people is hard slugging. Everything is lined up against the public being informed, or the policymakers for that matter. News is contaminated by its service to special interests and hidden agendas. Many scientists or their employers are dependent on federal money. Even psychologists …

Chuck Spinney: Strategy? Or Stupidity on a Grand Scale?

Professor Brenner gave me permission to distribute and post the attached essay.  Without saying so, he describes a way that seems tailor-made to systematically violate just about all the criteria for a sensible grand strategy.    Chuck Spinney The Blaster   27 OCTOBER 2013 NSA DOES THE GRAND TOUR by Michael Brenner, PhD Professor of International …

Marcus Aurelius: Can Military Learn From Its Mistakes?

1.  Ricks fails to understand that military strategy and policy do not exist in a vacuum.  The White House and Congress both have votes that can be decisive.  Shinseki and Franks were closer to right w/r/t force requirements for Iraq than was Rumsfeld.  Further, Jerry Bremer unbelievably complicated Iraq by de-Baathification and dissolutionn of the …

Jim Fetzer: Suppressing and Manipulating 9/11 Truth using the internet [Disappearing Facts, Not Just People]

“I am overwhelmed by the elegance and simplicity of the techniques that are being deployed to defeat the dissemination of 9/11 Truth to the American public”–Jim Fetzer The massive NSA surveillance program appears to have benefits for those who are in control beyond what has been generally acknowledged, which, evidence suggests, includes manipulating search engines …

Event: 25 OCT 13 Austria Online Knowledge is Power, Open Knowledge is Empowerment — Wikipedia, Wikileaks, and Open Source Intelligence

„Knowledge is power“ is the credo of enlightened modernism. However, Michel Foucault proclaims that whoever is in power determines which knowledge prevails in society, and ultimately this is the only knowledge that we have access to. It is certain that knowledge and power are closely interrelated, and that power relations in a society heavily depend …

Event: 23-17 OCT 13 Austria & Online, Elevate Open Everything?

Elevate Open Everything? Offshore Leaks has released secret tax haven bank account details, WikiLeaks was responsible for the disclosure of politically explosive classified documents, while Edward Snowden exposed intelligence agencies and private businesses that were spying extensively on respectable citizens. These are all vivid examples of the ambivalence of new technologies. On the one hand …

Neal Rauhauser: TRAC – Taking Out Illegal Website Operations

TRAC: Taking Out Illegal Website Operations Yesterday the Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium published Taking Out Illegal Website Operations (subscription required). This is a fairly short article describing law enforcement’s efforts to remove child pornography purveyor Freedom Hosting, money laundering operation Liberty Reserve, and black market Amazon clone Silk Road. This is my third article for …