Steve Aftergood: Orgs ask DNI to Preserve Access to World News Connection — Comment on OSC in AF by Robert Steele

ORGS ASK DNI TO PRESERVE ACCESS TO WORLD NEWS CONNECTION More than a dozen professional societies and public interest groups wrote to the Director of National Intelligence last week to ask him to preserve public access to foreign news reports gathered, translated and published by the Open Source Center and marketed to subscribers through the …

Stephen Aftergood: Defense Warning Network

THE DEFENSE WARNING NETWORK The structure and functions of the Defense Warning Network were outlined in a new directive issued yesterday by the Department of Defense. The mission of the Defense Warning Network is to provide notice “of potential threats posed by adversaries, political and economic instability, failed or failing states, and any other emerging …

Marcus Aurelius: SSI Monograph on Known Unknowns – Unconventional “Strategic Shocks” in Defense Strategy Development

Ladies and Gentlemen: You may want to check out US Army War College Strategic Studies Institute paper at link below and attached: Read with a view to some of the strange things that have been ascribed to FEMA. KNOWN UNKNOWNS: UNCONVENTIONAL “STRATEGIC SHOCKS”IN DEFENSE STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Nathan Freier Strategic Studies Institute, November 2008 EXTRACTS:

Marcus Aurelius: War Games Test 2 Versions of US Army — Current and Planned Army Loses Big, Innovation Army Triumphs

War game compares response of 2 versions of future Army By Lance M. Bacon Staff writer Army Times, Nov. 25, 2013 – 06:00AM A reduced reliance on airfields and seaports in a recent war game resulted in increased speed and entry operations. New Gear: What’s next If necessity is the mother of invention, get ready …

NATO WATCH: Time for a No-Spy Zone? Or More Realistically, Time for EU/NATO to Discover Open Source Intelligence with Integrity?

NATO Watch Comment: Time to establish a ‘No Spy Zone’ in NATO? By Dr Ian Davis, NATO Watch Director 22 November 2013 Promoting a more transparent and accountable NATO Disclosure of US intelligence surveillance activities in Germany and other allied countries has aroused angry political and public reaction in those countries. The whistleblower Edward …

Marcus Aurelius: Pentagon Fiscal Chief “Nervous” + DoD Transformation RECAP

Pentagon fiscal chief Robert Hale: ‘I am nervous’ “Frankly, I am nervous,” says Robert Hale, the Pentagon’s comptroller. And with reason. A month and half into the new fiscal year, Congress can’t seem to decide between what are three, wildly different scenarios for Hale’s world in 2014. The House endorsed most of President Barack Obama’s …

Marcus Aurelius: Five Takeaways from a Decade of War [Defense One] Plus Blistering Alternative View from Phi Beta Iota Editors

Five Takeaways from a Decade of War Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, in a keynote address at the Center for Strategic and International Studies this week, signaled to military commanders that they should assume the across-the-board, automatic spending cuts imposed by sequester over the next decade will remain in place indefinitely. “We do not have …