Owl: Saudi Instability, Pedophilia Taking Hillary Down, Warren as Manchurian Candidate, a Muslim Europe?

A few days ago, in a post mentioned here, John Robb predicted ISIS would invade and take Saudi Arabia in Spring, at the earliest. With King Abdullah dead, http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/22/middleeast/saudi-arabia-king-abdullah-dies/, Robb has changed his forecast and states ISIS will likely take a southern pivot, moving troops from Iraq and Syria, going south after Mecca and Medina, …

Owl: Will Elite Sacrifice Clinton (Pun Intended) to Focus Pedophilia Hunt on Him? – PBI Way Bigger than Monica Update 2

To paraphrase a line from a famous American novel, “The rich are different from you and me. They are practicing pederasts.” That’s what I think of in reading the articles below of the pederast scandal involving billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and the very rich and powerful people who may have used his pedo pimping services, as …

Berto Jongman: Pedophilia UK — Five MP Rings Under Investigation — Time for an International Tribunal?

Scotland Yard is probing five VIP paedophile rings after Labour MP hands in dossier naming six serving politicians and Lords MP John Mann has given explosive dossier on alleged abuse to police Document names 22 politicians, including three serving MPs It also names three members of House of Lords linked to historic abuse Mr Mann …

Berto Jongman: Pedophilia at the Highest Levels Including Law Enforcement — The “Untouchables”

Operation Yewtree: New Sex Abuse Suspects are ‘Untouchable’ Senior Policemen and Politicians The names of at least 12 public figures, including policemen and politicians, have been passed on to police investigating claims of historic sexual abuse. Investigative reporter Mark Williams Thomas passed on the names to officers working under Operation Yewtree, the Metropolitan Police inquiry …