Mongoose: 9/11 Treason in Photographs – MENSA Presentation by Donald E. Stahl

Government lies.  Period. Evolution of the 9/11 Controversy: From Conspiracy Theories to Conspiracy Photographs American Mensa Annual Gathering, Louisville, KY July 3, 2015 Donald E. Stahl EXTRACT The government’s official position is that no explosions occurred. The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s latest statement on the matter is dated September 9, 2011. It reads: …

Elisabet Sahtouris: AVAAZ Celebrates G7 Agreeing to End Fossil Fuels

AVAAZ began in my Mallorca village of Deia, where Ricken Patel and another AVAAZ founder live(d).  Now it is truly changing the world with its enormous campaigns (over 40 million members!) G7 leaders just committed to getting the global economy off fossil fuels — forever! We’re one giant step closer to a huge win at …

Answers: Steele for NATO Strategic Foresight

My preliminary contributions to the NATO Strategic Foresight Online Workshop. I have no appointment or connection to NATO or the Transformation Command. This workshop is open to the public without restriction. Characteristics of the Future Threats & Possibilities Economic Considerations Environmental Considerations Human Considerations I & II Political Considerations Technology Considerations Strategic Foresight I & …

Jack Davis: Modern Analytic Tradecraft

Commenting on Berto Jongman: Modernizing Analytical Training + Robert Steele & RECAP Remember the Gorge Carver-Gorge Allen contrasting mindsets in predicting the outcome in Vietnam.  The optimistic Carver argued , “if, if, if, we’re going to win.  The pessimistic Allen countered: “unless, unless, unless we’re going to lose.” In more formal argumentation, the “ifs” and …

Berto Jongman: 57% Value Alternative Media — But We Are Still Manufacturing Consent — and Alternative Media Including Facebook is Retarded…

US Citizens Fed Up With Mainstream Media Lies About Iraq, Iran People in the United States are fed up with mainstream media coverage of events in Iraq and Iran, CODEPINK activist organization national coordinator Alli McCracken, told Sputnik on Tuesday. MOSCOW (Sputnik), Alexander Mosesov — McCracken’s comments come following the release of an ICM Research poll conducted exclusively …