SmartPlanet: Why More US States Could Legalize Marijuana — and Profit From Doing So….

Why more U.S. states could legalize marijuana   By David Worthington | December 13, 2012, 8:19 PM PST Marijuana advocates scored major victories at the polls in the U.S. November election. Voters approved ballot measures in Colorado and Washington that bucked federal law to legalize the drug’s recreational use. The victories could be short lived …

2007 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic) 2.0

Now that everyone is paying attention, this is being posted in full text online in support of a larger M4IS2 / OSE dialog. Document:  Strategic OSINT (Chapter 6 in Strataegic Intelligence Vol 2) 10 MB Links added below throughout, updated where appropriate. See Also: 21st Century Intelligence Core References 2.0 Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Robert …

Owl: Both Parties Died on 7 November 2012 — The Angry White Guy GOP *and* the Well-Intentioned Liberal Left — Gone, Gone, Gone

None of my liberal friends who I sent this article have responded or commented on it. Perhaps they cannot be bothered, since they are rejoicing at Obama’s win? Or could it be that Professor James Petras, who wrote it, and an outstanding scholar with many books and articles to his name, is puncturing their illusions …

Paul Craig Roberts: Cynthia McKinney On Leadership

Cynthia McKinney On Leadership October 2, 2012 Those who have followed the Republican campaign for the presidential nomination and current contest between Romney and Obama know that the United States has no political leadership in Washington. Billions of dollars have been spent on political propaganda, but not a single important issue has been addressed. The …

Berto Jongman: Jorgen Randers Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years

SUMMARY AND COMMENTS ON JORGEN RANDERS’ GLOBAL FORECAST FOR NEXT 40 YEARS 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years. Report to the Club of Rome. Jorgen Randers (Prof of Climate Strategy, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo). White River Junction VT: Chelsea Green, June 2012, 392p, $24.95pb. ( A report to the CoR commemorating …