Berto Jongman: Pakistan Outs Three CIA Chiefs in Three Years… + CIA Cover Incompetence RECAP

Pakistan Outs Three US CIA Station Chiefs in Three Years Corporate Media Keeps US Citizens in the Dark by DAVE LINDORFF Counterpunch, Weekend Edition December 20-22, 2013 For the third time in three years, a CIA station chief has been outed in Pakistan, a country where the CIA is running one of its largest covert …

David Sabow: Reagan Administration with CIA / Cuban Exile Contras Complicit in Torture & Murder of DEA Field Officer Agent

Tosh, You are my hero! You have supported me of over twenty years. You are making it happen. You are as important to our country as any person in our history. You have discovered the treatment that can cure the cancer in our country. My brother Jimmy and I are alive and well, each in our unique …

Jean Lievens: Elements of Collaborative Economy – Social, Mobile, Payment Networks

Forget about Growth Hacking, the future is in the Collaborative Economy VIDEO Anyone working in digital can somewhat relate to the overuse of loosely defined marketing words – think ‘big data’ or ‘cloud computing’ (bzzzz). Growth hacking seems to be just another one of them. In colloquial terms, growth hacking is associated with the exploitation …