Review: The Resilient Earth–Science, Global Warming and the Future of Humanity

Pushes the Re-Set Button on Both Gore and Lomborg October 3, 2009 Doug L. Hoffman and Allen Simmons The more I read, the less I know and the more frustrated I grow with the insanity of academic, government, corporate, and non-governmental stovepipes of knowledge in isolation. Right up front this book, read crossing the Atlantic …


Phi Beta Iota Organization The Phi Beta Iota Honour Society is comprised of volunteers at all levels.  Unlike all other honour societies, Phi Beta Iota recognizes that diversity is the heart of Collective Intelligence, and no human being is excluded for lack of artificial criteria.  Sharing and Sense-Making in all their forms, including artistic, mystical, …

2002 Creveld (IL) Twenty-Four Theses on Intelligence

Along with Colin Gray, Steve Metz, and Max Manwaring, Martin van Creveld is among the intellectual giants of our era with respect to strategic reflection, and he stands alone at the intersection of strategy, logistics, technology, command & control, and the art of decision-making under conditions of great uncertainty. His contribution to OSS ’02 was …