Rebecca Campbell: Is It Time to Question the Nation-State Model of Governance?

It’s Time to Question the Modern Nation-State Model of Governance Michael Krieger in Liberty Blizkreig I typically try to avoid news on Sundays, but I spent much of yesterday in complete awe of the extraordinary strength and fortitude of the Catalan people in the face of totalitarian violence from the Spanish state against citizens attempting …

Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young: EVENT 17-19 October, Mountain View, CA The Internet Identity Workshop XXV

The Internet Identity Workshop XXV (#25) October 17, 18 and 19, 2017 Computer History Museum – Mountain View, CA You belong at IIW this Fall! You’ll acquire the real-time pulse of genuinely disruptive technologies that are the foundation of today’s important Internet movements. The Internet Identity Workshop has been finding, probing and solving identity issues …

Robert Steele: Las Vegas False Flag a Hybrid (Innocent Drill, Rogue Mass Murder Unit)? UPDATE 23 Paddock Girlfriend Worked for FBI

I have no direct knowledge. I do, however, have some understanding of false flag operations, media influence operations, covert operations, and high-level political and financial crime networks. Las Vegas appears to be a classic false flag operation with both financial  and political aspects. UPDATE 23: 25 August 2018. Feds Scramble as Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Reportedly …

Berto Jongman: Allies Don’t Trust NSA, Force Backdown on Encryption Standards

Distrustful U.S. allies force spy agency to back down in encryption fight In interviews and emails seen by Reuters, academic and industry experts from countries including Germany, Japan and Israel worried that the U.S. electronic spy agency was pushing the new techniques not because they were good encryption tools, but because it knew how to …