Worth a Look: Water Footprint

Waterfootprint Network Manual http://www.waterfootprint.org/downloads/WaterFootprintManual2009.pdf A PILOT IN CORPORATE WATER FOOTPRINT ACCOUNTING AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: THE WATER FOOTPRINT OF A SUGAR-CONTAINING CARBONATED BEVERAGE http://www.waterfootprint.org/Reports/Report39-WaterFootprintCarbonatedBeverage.pdf THE WATER FOOTPRINT OF SWEETENERS AND BIO-ETHANOL FROM SUGAR CANE, SUGAR BEET AND MAIZE http://www.waterfootprint.org/Reports/Report38-WaterFootprint-sweeteners-ethanol.pdf Homepage: http://www.waterfootprint.org

Journal: $20M water desalination project in Iraq

Adding to installations in Oman and Egypt, India’s Shivsu Canadian Clear says its new plant in Baghdad is expected to convert 20 million liters per day. The company’s Vice President Satish Kumar told the Cleantech Group today that the Iraq installation uses reverse osmosis to convert seawater into potable water that has industrial and drinking …

Worth A Look: Matt Damon Pumps Water.org

Speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative Conference, Matt Damon announced: Water.org commits to bringing safe dinking water and sanitation to a minimum of 50,000 people in Haiti overthe next three years. It will enhance awareness of good hygiene practices among local communities, and focus on integrating sustainable water resources management into community practices.  Water.org co-founders …

Journal: CIA Blows–Blackwater, $5M Bar Bill, and Reprise of Rendition Atrocities

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is more of a laughingstock around the world than most realize.  From being called “useful idiots” (tontos utiles) in Latin America to much, much worse in the Middle East, it appears to have become a bloated bureaucracy incapable of achieving anything of positive significance.  Intelligence is an inherently governmental function, …