Review: Hate Inc. Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another by Matt Taibbi

Matt Taibbi 5 Stars — Totally Brilliant Let me begin with my 7-Star regard for Matt Taibbi — he is one of just three authors who have TWO books in my top 50 cosmic life-changing books lecture, the others are Will Durant and Edgar Morin and that is Nobel-level company. His two are Griftopia and …

Review: For a New Critique of Political Economy by Bernard Stiegler

Bernard Stiegler 4 Stars Brilliant Vital Focus on Human Contributions to Economic Wealth Creation, Turgid Beyond Comprehension The only thinig worse that reading a book in turgid academic French ( which I cannot do) is reading the same book translated into turgid academic English — turgid on steroids. This book could have been a ten …

Review: Before Our Very Eyes – Fake Wars and Big Lies from 9/11 to Donald Trump by Thierry Meyssan

Thierry Meyssan 5 Star Brilliant and unique truth telling from three points of view: Arab, French, US — an Indictment of Empire I have been a deep admirer of the intelligence and integrity and local knowledge as well as strategic acumen of  Thierry Mayssan ever since he accurately understood 9/11 as an inside job, long …