Owl: High Social Class Predicts More Unethical Behavior

Do These Studies Explain the “Success” of Many of Those in the 1%? And all along we were taught to believe that poor people are the most unethical. Abstract: Seven studies using experimental and naturalistic methods reveal that upper-class individuals behave more unethically than lower-class individuals. In studies 1 and 2, upper-class individuals were more …

Owl: US Media Ignores Major Egyptian Protests Focused on Barack Obama & US Ambassador Specifically

Egyptians in the Street Despise Obama and US Diplomat Anne Patterson Curiously, a massive wave of anti-Obama sentiment in Egypt has been utterly ignored by vintage media, even though the protests may be the largest in all of human history. 15 Photos From the Tahrir Square Protests You’ll Never See In Legacy Media. #Egypt #Morsi …

Owl: Putin Switches to Typewriters — Are All Computers Compromised?

Is Going Back to Typewriters the Answer? “In Russia, President Putin’s office just stopped using PC’s and switched to typewriters.  What do they know that we don’t? Perhaps it’s Intel NSA inside.” The NSA has been incredibly thorough in nailing down every possible way to tap into communications. Yet the one company’s name that hasn’t …

Owl: John Stockwell on Role of Secrecy — Cover for Corruption

“John Stockwell is the highest-ranking CIA official ever to leave the agency and go public. He ran a CIA intelligence-gathering post in Vietnam, was the task-force commander of the CIA’s secret war in Angola in 1975 and 1976, and was awarded the Medal of Merit before he resigned. Stockwell’s book In Search of Enemies, published …

Owl: Tom Engelhardt Rogue Superpower –From Tragedy to Farce?

“Sooner or later, the architecture will determine the acts”: The Resurrection of the Totalitarian Beast in Washington D.C. This is a long article well worth reading entirely, but if you have only for a small amount of timet, here’s two key takeaways worth pondering: “Consider, for instance, a superior piece of recent reporting by Eric …

Owl: Microsoft Lied — Sold All Customers Out to NSA Years Ago

Microsoft has collaborated closely with US intelligence services to allow users’ communications to be intercepted, including helping the National Security Agency to circumvent the company’s own encryption, according to top-secret documents obtained by the Guardian. The files provided by Edward Snowden illustrate the scale of co-operation between Silicon Valley and the intelligence agencies over the …