Owl: More on Origins of False Flag Syrian Gas Attack Conspiracy

More on Origins of False Flag Syrian Gas Attack Conspiracy This Yahoo item originally came out in January 2013 in a UK newspaper, The Daily Mail: “London, Jan 30, 2013 (ANI): The Obama administration gave green signal to a chemical weapons attack plan in Syria that could be blamed on President Bashar al Assad’s regime …

Owl: Syrian False-Flag Gas Attacks Evidence Crucifies Saudi Arabia

Syrian False-Flag Gas Attacks Evidence This page from the Alex Jones site is a must-see, offering a remarkable compilation of 7 separate videos from Arabic sources showing evidence of non-Syrian government entities involved on the gas attack of Syrian civilians. “With the assistance of former PLO member and native Arabic-speaker Walid Shoebat, WND has assembled …

Owl: Muckety Maps — One Example, Sale of 15 Ambassadorships for Average of $500,000 Each

Create Interactive Maps to Explore the Connections Between the Rich and Powerful with Muckety A wonderful, cool and richly educational tool, and for free. The rich and powerful don’t exploit, manipulate and strip the economy all by themselves. They do so with others, benefiting themselves by networking with others who are like themselves in various …

Owl: Is US Military Waging Cyber-War for Monsanto Against GMO Activists? Or Are All “Activists” Now Considered “Terrorists?”

US Military’s Not So Secret War on anti-GMO Activists and Scientists Exposed?  Or a Simple Misunderstanding? “A highly concerning new investigative report from the largest daily newspaper in Germany alleges that Monsanto, the US Military and the US government have colluded to track and disrupt both anti-GMO activists and independent scientists who study the adverse …