Veterans Today: Kerry Was Wrong – Turkey Indicts Six Jihadists for Sarin — Not Whole Story But Good Start

Kerry Was Wrong Turkish prosecutor indicts six jihadists for alleged attempts to acquire chemicals with intent to produce sarin The Turkish Republican Prosecutor in Adana has issued a 132-page indictment, alleging that six members of the al-Qaeda-aligned al-Nusra Front and Ahrar ash-Sham – one Syrian and five Turks – tried to acquire chemicals with the …

Berto Jongman: Eric Garland on 20th Century Myths Driving US Intervention

Myth 1 : America has to act. Myth 2 : America’s actions are benevolent. Myth 3 : America can win wars. The 20th century myths driving US intervention The logic behind a possible US strike in Syria is anachronistic, writes author. Eric Garland Al Jazeera, 15 September 2013 In the past few weeks, I have …

Marcus Aurelius: George Will on Bay of Pigs — the Unfinished Battle

   The Bay of Pigs’ unfinished battle By George F. Will, Published: September 13 At 4 a.m. on Jan. 1, 1959, an hour when there were never commercial flights from Havana, David Atlee Phillips was lounging in a lawn chair there, sipping champagne after a New Year’s Eve party, when a commercial aircraft flew low over …

Eagle: Cantaloupe vs. al-Qaeda: What’s More Dangerous? (Hint: In 2011, 17 Americans Killed by Terrorists, 33 Killed by a SINGLE Cantelope)

One of the most important revelations from the international drama over Edward Snowden’s NSA leaks in May is the exposure of a nearly lunatic disproportion in threat assessment and spending by the US government. This disproportion has been spawned by a fear-based politics of terror that mandates unlimited money and media attention for even the …

Graphic: Global Unions (versus Global Networks or Global Confederations)

Source Phi Beta Iota:  This simple graphic has enormous implications for the evolving craft of intelligence (decision-support).  When considered in relation to absolute scale limits on the depletion of non-renewable resources, and the absolute valuation of diversity of life forms, it recasts how “truth” should be considered in the context of the whole, distinguishing between …

Berto Jongman Et Al: 9-11 Odds and Ends + Meta RECAP

Berto Jongman: 9/11 Investigation and Strategy of Tension Berto Jongman: Media Ignores 9/11 Calm Amidst Chaos Berto Jongman: New 9/11 Investigation Berto Jongman: New Poll Finds Most Americans Open to Alternative 9/11 Theories One in Two Surveyed Have Doubts About Government’s Account of 9/11. 46% Suspect Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 after Viewing Video Footage of …

Berto Jongman Et Al: Syria Round-Up 4.0

Anthony Judge: Mapping the Truth on Syria Berto Jongman: Iran-Syria Study Berto Jongman: Manufacturing Consent on Syria Berto Jongman: Obama Vetoed Israeli Strike on Syria Berto Jongman: Robert Fisk on Syria Berto Jongman: US Planning Three-Day Attack Chuck Spinney: Max Blumenthal Shady PR operatives, pro-Israel ties, anti-Castro money: Inside the Syrian opposition’s DC spin machine …