Graphic: OSINT Multinational Outreach Network

Pioneered by LtCol Beavers and others in Bosnia, this remains the single most brilliant depiction of what all of our inter-agency task force networks should like like.  This is not rocket science, it just requires integrity, intelligence, and imagination on the part of each Commander.

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Norman L. Johnson

Dr. Norman Johnson recently became Chief Scientist at Referentia Systems, after 25 years at Los Alamos National Laboratory as a scientist and manager. Because the message is more important than the messenger, see To learn more about Norman Johnson, visit Science of CI: Resources for change

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Mister Jalopy

Mister Jalopy is a fearlessly experimental welder, woodworker, bicycle mechanic, writer, photographer, embroiderer, artist, electronics troubleshooter, teacher, furniture rebuilder, garage saler, activist, wheeler dealer, street racer, blogger, editor, auto mechanic, speaker, fabricator, builder, large appliance repairman, columnist, designer and entrepreneur. Empowering consumers to be able to repair, rebuild, reuse and reinvent the products they invest …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Mark Klein

Dr. Mark Klein ( is a Principal Research Scientist at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, and an Affiliate at the MIT Computer Science and AI Lab (CSAIL) as well as the New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI). His research focuses on understanding the cross-cutting fundamentals of coordination and applying these insights to help create better human …