Who’s Who in Commercial Intelligence: Ben Gilad

Dr. Ben Gilad, considered a leading developer of competitive intelligence (CI) theory and practice in the US, is a former Associate Professor of Strategy at Rutgers University’s Graduate School of Management. Gilad’s first CI books, The Business Intelligence System (1988, AMACOM, co-authored) and Business Blindspots (1994, US: Probus/Irwin; 1998, UK: Infonortics), paved the way for …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Thomas Homer-Dixon

Photo Credit: Bryn Gladdi Interview with Thomas Homer-Dixon by Hassan Masum The Internet and the revitalization of democracy–the Rt. Hon. Paul Martin in Conversation with Thomas Homer-Dixon Thomas Homer-Dixon holds the Centre for International Governance Innovation Chair of Global Systems at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Waterloo, Canada, and is a Professor in …

Who’s Who in Commercial Intelligence: Jan Herring

Jan Herring is President of Herring & Associates LLC, a management consultancy, specializing in intelligence matters, and a fouinding principal at the Academy of Competitive Intelligence, the gold standard for commercial intelligence training at all levels, entry, mid-career, and capstone. He is unique in the world of commercial intelligence for having been the first modern …