Chuck Spinney: Ukraine Crisis Focused on Stopping Russian-German Alliance

Professor Vladimir Golstein’s opinion piece (below) in Russia Insider presents a very interesting point of view, especially when one thinks about it in light of a recent poll by the German Marshall Fund portraying a sharp decline in positive attitudes in Germany toward America and President Obama.  According this report (in German), the poll found that only 58% of …

Stephen E. Arnold: Russia (BRICS?) Firewalling the Internet

Russian Content: Tough to Search If Russia Is Not on the Internet Forget running queries on if Russia disconnects from the Internet. Sure, there may be workarounds, but these might invite some additional scrutiny. Why am I suggesting that some Russian content becomes unsearchable. Well, I believed the story “Russia to Be Disconnected from …

Berto Jongman: US Intelligence Veterans Slam Obama for Lies Against Russia in Relation to MH17 and the Ukraine

The MH17 Crash: US Veteran Intelligence Officers Slam the Flimsy “Intelligence” Against Russia Senior U.S. Intelligence Officers: Obama Should Release Ukraine Evidence Preface: With the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine turning a local civil war into a U.S. confrontation with Russia, former high-level U.S. intelligence veterans released a statement today urging President …

Paul Craig Roberts: CIA Agrees with the Russians on Ukraine — What Ever Should the President Do?

Mr. President, Your Own CIA Says What Russians Say. What Are We Gonna Do? Why did President Obama look so lost Monday while trying to make a case against Russia in the downing of the Malaysian Boeing in Ukraine? And how come the US journalists seem to know more than experts and intelligence agencies investigating …

Eric Zuesse: NYT Dangerous Lies About Ukraine & Russia

(PREFACE: Right before this went to press, Britain’s Guardian headlined “Moscow May Walk Out of Nuclear Treaty,” and Washingtonsblog bannered “Senior U.S. Intelligence Officers: Obama Should Release Ukraine Evidence.” The latter newsflash is a memo to the President signed today by 9 senior retired U.S. intelligence professionals who gently lay out the evidence that President Obama has been lying about …

Berto Jongman: Ukraine MH-17 Shoot-Down – Washington Lies, Kiev Silent, Russia Provides Compelling Evidence

Confrontational, deserves a full read. Boeing Disaster: Washington’s Lies and Kiev’s Silence Boris NOVOSELTSEV | 25.07.2014 | 00:00 On July 21 the Russian Ministry of Defense held a briefing and displayed the data to prove the fact that a number of Ukrainian Buk-M1 air defense systems were deployed in the vicinity of Donetsk at the …

Mini-Me: Special Russian (Truth) – US (Lies) – Ukraine (Atrocity Central) SitRep + Ukraine RECAP

Huh? SPECIAL RUSSIAN FEDERATION SITREP 23 July 2014 I’ve been doing these Sitreps for 14 years; I have never done a special before. But I have never felt that we were close to war before either. To go to war is bad enough, but to go to war over lies… RUSSIAN MILITARY BRIEFING. The key …