Owl: Are Neo-Cons Sparking a Nuclear War Over Ukraine? Plus Update on Russian Nuclear Capabilities

Ukraine, not Iraq, May Start a Very Short World War: Roberts “Washington has been convinced by neoconservatives that Russian strategic nuclear forces are in run down and unprepared condition and are sitting ducks for attack. This false belief is based on out-of-date information, a decade old, such as the argument presented in “The Rise of …

Chuck Spinney: Wallerstein on China-Russia Grand Strategy

The self-referencing chattering class is up in arms about the $400 billion Russia-China gas deal, seeing it and the associated Russia-China alliance as a threat to the grand strategic ambitions of the United States to remain, in the words of President Obama at West Point, the world’s “indispensable”* power.  Taking place against the immediate backdrop of the prevailing US narrative** …

Jim Dean: Asian Boomerang — China Calls for Security Alliance with Iran and Russia — Changes Dynamics for Afghanistan, Middle East, North Africa

China Calls for Security Alliance with Iran, Russia Editor’s Note: Well, it looks like Obama the Peacemaker image took another hit today. China, which has no overseas military bases and no carrier battle groups sailing the seas to defend its customers, considers itself a target and not a threat. Imagine that! The US “divide and …

Neal Rauhauser: Russia’s Future Conflict in Transnistria

The Fourth Frozen Zone Four months before the Boston Bombing I wrote Four Places You Have Not Heard Of. Yet., which contained a map that showed three of the four ‘frozen conflicts’ from the collapse of the Soviet Union, all in the Caucasus. These are Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, and South Ossetia. The Marathon day bombing renewed …