Stephen E. Arnold: Excitement at Oracle — Amazon Effect

After reportedly butting heads with Larry Ellison, Oracle’s top cloud executive is leaving the company Kurian’s departure comes just weeks after Oracle announced he was taking a break from his position overseeing Oracle’s cloud efforts, and after Bloomberg reported that a conflict with Oracle co-founder, executive chairman, chief technology officer, and person whose opinion seems …

Berto Jongman: Beacon and Warning: Sherman Kent, Scientific Hubris, and the CIA’s Office of National Estimates

Beacon and Warning: Sherman Kent, Scientific Hubris, and the CIA’s Office of National Estimates J. Peter Scoblic, a doctoral candidate at Harvard Business School, is a fellow in the International Security Program at New America and the author of U.S. vs. Them: Conservatism in the Age of Nuclear Terror. “From bias to probabilities, Kent anticipated …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Copyright Abusive Algrorithm — More #GoogleGestapo Madness

Google: Stomping Out Bad Music Types Google has a lot of content to lord over. And with that responsibility comes the need to police that content when it is misused. Perhaps nowhere does this happen more often than YouTube. While they have clever tools for finding rule breakers, sometimes it fails. We learned more from …

Robert Steele: Facebook is Doomed, Zuckerberg Cashing Out UPDATE 3 Extreme Leftist Censoring Monoculture, Key People Start to Leave

It is with great pleasure that I announce my conclusion, based on my analysis of the headline as shown below and follow-on discussion with top industry analysts, that Facebook is doomed and Mark Zuckerberg is cashing out.  Good riddance. Mark Zuckerberg is selling up to $13 billion of Facebook stock to fund an ambitious project …

Robert Steele: An Interview with Stephen E. Arnold on Google and Google Search — How the Digital Mummy Might Manipulate Search (Never Mind #GoogleGestapo Censorship)

I have known Stephen E. Arnold since the early 1990’s when he quickly became the only speaker to be demanded by my international audience every year. I have relied on him over the years for truthful open source intelligence and deep insights not available from other commercial sources. Although he is now retired, I believe …