Monthly CrisisWatch Report N°90, 1 February 2011

CrisisWatch N°90, 1 February 2011 Historic events in the Arab world gripped the world’s attention in January. In Tunisia weeks of escalating riots and demonstrations over dire economic conditions, corruption and government repression culminated in the ouster of President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali on 14 January. He was replaced by an interim government which announced …

Chavez: US Needs Orderly Transition; Merkel Calls for Peaceful Transition to Democracy in US

Hugo Chavez Weighs in on US Instability Voice of America, 30 January 2011 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Sunday called for an orderly transition in the US to a government that reflects the aspirations of the American people.  The president spoke by telephone with world and Western Hemisphere leaders about the situation in the US. …

Where Does the Money Go?

The Top Ten Foreign Holders of U.s. Debt in November 2009: Country Amount China, Mainland                                                            $789.6 billion Japan                                                                       …

Crisis Group CrisisWatch N°89, 3 January 2011

Five actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated and two improved in December 2010, according to the latest issue of the International Crisis Group’s monthly bulletin CrisisWatch. Côte d’Ivoire was gripped by political crisis as incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo refused to cede power after losing to rival Alassane Outtara in the late-November presidential …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: China Captures Indonesia

China-Indonesia: Representatives from nine Chinese companies will visit Indonesia on 5 January to consider investment in transportation infrastructure in the Papua and West Papua Provinces of Indonesian New Guinea, according to Indonesian Transportation Minister Freddy Numberi. The companies’ representatives, accompanied by Chinese officials, are on a fact finding trip for constructing airports and seaports, and …