Paul Craig Roberts: Disinformation (Lies) From Left to Right — Why the Military-Industrial Complex Consistently Assassinates or Impeaches Presidents Who Cross Them….

Disinformation On Every Front Some readers have come to the erroneous conclusion that the Matrix consists of Republican Party disinformation as if there is no disinformation from the left. Others think that propaganda is the business of Obama and the Democrats. In fact, propaganda from the right, the left and the middle are all part …

Chuck Spinney: US Senate Notices Next Atomic Disaster in Japan

Warning Signs for the US Why Fukushima is a Greater Disaster Than Chernobyl by ROBERT ALVAREZ, Counterpunch, APRIL 24, 2012 In the aftermath of the world’s worst nuclear power disaster, the news media is just beginning to grasp that the dangers to Japan and the rest of the world posed by the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site are …

Sepp Hasslberger: Cyclone Power Adds A Modern Twist to the Steam Engine

Cyclone Power Adds A Modern Twist to the Steam Engine Cyclone Power Technologies, a Pompano Beach, Florida company, focuses on solving our dependence on fossil fuels with its heat regenerative external combustion engines. “This engine works when steam enters the top of each of the six radially arranged cylinders (20) and pushs the pistons (54) downward …

Dophin: Intelligent Life at Washington Post (Blog) — True Costs Snapshot

Every once in a while, there is a flash of intelligence at The Washington Post. This short blog illuminates both the true costs of various options around carbon emissions, and the importance of considering “360 degree” trade-offs. Sucking carbon dioxide out of the air: Neat idea, but impractical Posted by Brad Plumer at 03:01 PM …

Michel Bauwens: The New Rules of Innovation – Bottom-Up Solutions to Top-Down Problems

The New Rules Of Innovation: Bottom-Up Solutions To Top-Down Problems In his new book, Vijay Vaitheeswaran argues that we’re thinking about worldchanging innovation all wrong: It’s not going to come from where we expect it. Arnie Cooper, 19 March 2012 The world is currently standing “on the cusp of a post-industrial revolution.” So writes …