Review: The People’s Advocate – The Life and Legal History of America’s Most Fearless Public Interest Lawyer [Danny Sheehan]

Danny Sheehan 6 Stars on Substance, Revolutionary Illumination, February 20, 2014 This is a book for smart people who care about the Constitution, the Republic, and America the Beautiful — the America of good people with big hearts and strong souls who do the best they can while trapped amidst a complex of corrupt systems …

Stephen E. Arnold: Elasticsearch Insights — and IDC Steals Arnold Report Costing $4, Sells for $3500

Elasticsearch Disrupts Open Source Search I did a series of reports about open source search. Some of these were published under mysterious circumstances by that leader of the azure chip consultants, IDC. You can see the $3,500 per report offers on the IDC site. Hey, I am not getting the money, but that’s what some …

Patrick Meier: Crisis Mapping in Areas of Limited Statehood

Crisis Mapping in Areas of Limited Statehood I had the great pleasure of contributing a chapter to this new book recently published by Oxford University Press: Bits and Atoms: Information and Communication Technology in Areas of Limited Statehood. My chapter addresses the application of crisis mapping to areas of limited statehood, drawing both on theory …

4th Media: US Attacks Centeral America – Time for CELAC to Create a Regional Counterintelligence Corps?

The U.S. Counterattack in Central America After the recent summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), at which the U.S. was not represented, Washington is trying to get revenge in Central America. On February 2 presidential and parliamentary elections took place in El Salvador and Costa Rica. Most predictions indicated the …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Call for a New Language of Environmental and Social Responsibility, a New Spiritual Covenant

[ Editor’s Note: Henry Giroux, a frequent author for Tikkun magazine, calls for a movement that challenges what Giroux calls “the neoliberal nightmare” and presents a new language of civic values and social responsibility.The ESRA–the Environmental and Social Responsibility Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and the Spiritual Covenant with America at are examples of …

David Swanson: War Can Be Ended — And No, the US Civil War Was Not About Slavery and Not Worth the Human and Other Enduring True Costs

War Can Be Ended Part I Of BOOK: War No More: The Case For Abolition Slavery Was Abolished In the late eighteenth century the majority of people alive on earth were held in slavery or serfdom (three-quarters of the earth’s population, in fact, according to the Encyclopedia of Human Rights from Oxford University Press). The …

Review (Guest): A Manufactured Crisis – The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare

Gareth Porter Review By Peter Jenkins @ Lobelog The subtitle of Gareth Porter’s new book, The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare, is well-chosen. Large parts of A Manufactured Crisis are indeed untold till now. They amount to what the author terms an “alternative narrative”. But don’t be misled by “alternative”. This is not …