Jean Lievens: BitCoin Basics – Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO), Distributed Anonymous Computing, Embedded Time-Stamped Contracts, and the Elimination of Bankers AND Lawyers?

Bitcoin’s blockchain could revolutionize more than just how we do business Gordon Fletcher The Conversation, 01 Oct 2014 EXTRACTS Cryptocurrencies are novel as they are only possible because of the ready availability of high-speed computing and networks. They are a challenge to today’s currencies because of their decentralised nature, taking them out of national governments’ …

1997 Reference: CIA’s Intelligence Sharing With Congress + RECAP

EXTRACT: From my point of view, the academic community in some ways is even more remiss [than the media]. During my brief fledgling career as a novice academic, I have come to the conclusion that most university-level courses on the American foreign policy process are absolutely mute on this subject [intelligence sharing with Congress, and …

Marcus Aurelius: STRATFOR on Scottish Referendum Plus Secession RECAP

One of their better pieces. The Origins and Implications of the Scottish Referendum Geopolitical Weekly Stratfor, Tuesday, September 16, 2014 By George Friedman The idea of Scottish independence has moved from the implausible to the very possible. Whether or not it actually happens, the idea that the union of England and Scotland, which has existed for …

Marcus Aurelius: General Robert Scales on Defeating ISIS – Comment by Robert Steele

MG(R) Scales, a former Commandant of the Army War College, is nothing if not a controversial character.  I don’t necessarily disagree with his assertion, but I have a couple of practical questions: Where are we going to get adequate numbers of personnel of the quality required to implement the McChrystal method on the scale proposed by …

Owl: CDC Cover-Up, Moral Degeneracy of Media & Government

Latest News on CDC Vaccine-Autism Coverup This is just the beginning. Much more will be emerging on this story in coming weeks and months. Because while the focus will be initially on how this fraud has so harmfully affected Afro-American children, it will inevitably open up questions on how vaccines affect all children and adults, …

SchwartzReport: 17,000 Police Agencies in the USA, All of Them Concealing How Many People — Generally Black — They Kill Each Year…

Today’s news brought yet more stories of police shootings of people whose only real crime seems to be being black. It made me wonder how many people are killed by the police each year. It turns out that is a very hard number to pin down. So I went looking to see if anyone had …