Eagle: NSA Whistle-Blower: Obama Worse than Bush

NSA whistle-blower: Obama “worse than Bush” Thomas Drake on life inside the National Security Agency and the price of truth telling Matthew Harwood Salon, 7 March 2012 Thomas Drake, the whistle-blower whom the Obama administration tried and failed to prosecute for leaking information about waste, fraud and abuse at the National Security Agency, now works …

Event: AM 31 Mar Washington Panel on Complexity & Reflexivity, Washington Academy of Sciences + Meta-RECAP

Complexity and Reflexivity Papers presented at the Washington Academy of Sciences Washington, DC, March 31-April 1, 2012 UPDATED 24 Feb to post all links Conceptions of Complexity and Implications for Economics Stuart Umpleby, The George Washington University, Washington, DC Experiments in Reflexive Inquiry Kent Myers, Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton Conceptual Difficulties and Pragmatic Responses to …

Gary North: Administrative Law (New World Order) versus Democracy (Live Free or Die)

The Crucial Pillar of the New World Order by Gary North LouRockwell.com, February 4, 2012 One of the most alluring temptations that face men is the desire to enter the inner ring. C. S. Lewis wrote a wonderful essay with this title. It should be part of every person’s rite of passage into adulthood. The desire to …

Eagle: Stephen Lerner, Occupy, and Street Activism

Stephen Lerner’s 2011 Harold Meyerson American Prospect, 2 January 2012 “We must expand from one-day marches and demonstrations to weeks of creative direct action and activities,” wrote Stephen Lerner in New Labor Forum, a quarterly left-labor journal, several weeks before Occupy Wall Street took shape. One way to do that, he continued, “is to build …