Berto Jongman: Google’s Impact on War

Bullets, Bombs and Ice Cream: The Unintended Consequences of Google Earth’s New Cartographic World Google Earth offers unprecedented public access to satellite material that was once the exclusive preserve of the state. One obvious if unintended consequence of this service, writes Nicholas Kaempffer, is that insurgents and extremists now use satellite imagery to plot and …

Berto Jongman: Forbes Pimps Palantir

How A ‘Deviant’ Philosopher Built Palantir, A CIA-Funded Data-Mining Juggernaut This story appears in the September 2, 2013 issue of Forbes. EXTRACT Palantir lives the realities of its customers: the NSA, the FBI and the CIA–an early investor through its In-Q-Tel venture fund–along with an alphabet soup of other U.S. counterterrorism and military agencies. In …

Mini-Me: On Al Qaeda Threat, Yemen Backtracks, USA Has No Idea….

Huh? Yemen Steps Back From Terror-Plot Claims, Highlighting U.S.’s Challenge After Yemeni Offensive Against al Qaeda in South, Militants Keep Low Profile, Say Officials EXTRACT Some officials in San’a, however, worry that President Hadi’s credibility has been undercut by reports issued by government spokesmen earlier in the day that the country’s security forces had uncovered …

James Stavrides: Interview on Smart Power by Oliver Barrett

Talking ‘Smart Power’ With Admiral Stavridis By Oliver Barrett US News & World Report, July 25, 2013 With one-liners like, “We are excellent at launching Tomahawk missiles; we need to get better at launching ideas,” it is not hard to appreciate why The New York Times labeled recently retired Admiral James Stavridis a “Renaissance admiral.” Labels like “innovator” …

Marcus Aurelius: Media Common Sense on Defense — Still Lacking on Substance

Following is stunning, coming as it does from the left-wing newspaper we called “Pravda on the Potomac” during the Cold War.) Two op-eds from mainstream media follow; both discuss need for Legislative and Executive Branches of the USG to get their [sierra] together and serve the national interest. Washington Post, August 4, 2013, Pg. 18 …