Reflections on Tired Databases versus Wired Analytics + Jack Davis & Analytic Tradecraft RECAP

There are multiple analytic flaws with most source data, and particularly with any source data labeled in relation to terrorism. If Israelis have have touched the data in any way, shape, or form (especially including the software), it must be considered contaminated and severely suspect.  While I have nothing critical to say about the application …

Mini-Me: Uzbekistan Wants to Join NATO, Conquer Eurasia [We Do Not Make This Stuff Up] — Full Reading [English Below the Line] Makes Clear This Is A Manifesto — From Water to Genocide to Labor to Historical Grievances

Huh? Uzbekistan Media: We Should Join NATO, Conquer Eurasia A recent piece in Uzbekistan’s state-sanctioned media has advocated joining NATO and taking over the territory of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and most of the rest of Eurasia. The piece, published on, was taken down shortly after being published, but was preserved on  [PBI: English translation …

Richard Wright: Reflections on NATO Commentary — US Needs to Drop Down to Observer Status with Russia — Steele Comments

I think your thought piece on NATO is excellent, but somewhat incomplete.  NATO is the diplomatic and administrative headquarters, but the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) is the actual C2 for NATO military operations In my opinion, the U.S. needs to back out of NATO and its operational counter part SHAPE and leave both …

Neal Rauhauser: Steele on NATO, AIPAC Replaces US IC — Steele Comments

Some months ago I had the great pleasure of adding OSINT godfather Robert David Steele as a LinkedIn contact. We’ve progressed from that to occasional phone calls and regular emails, pointing out interesting technology and events to each other. NATO 4.0: Key Challenges AND Solutions was published with this short note, asking for broad consideration …

2013 Robert Steele: It’s Time for Crisis Mappers to Spin Up Corruption Mappers 2.0 + Corruption RECAP

I share with Lawrence Lessig the conviction that corruption is the principal threat to humanity.  I would add to that my own view that corruption is responsible for 50% of all investments being wasted, be they in agriculture, energy, health, or the military, as representative domains.  I also believe that corruption will persist until individuals …