Josh Kilbourn: The Rise (Increase in Numbers) of America’s Lunatic Fringe

The Rise Of America’s Lunatic Fringe Tyler Durden Zero Hedge, 01/30/2013 Authored by chindit Anyone who spends any amount of time on the internet has seen them. They are the moonbats, the wingnuts, the whackjobs, the Conspiratorialists.  They are America’s new Lunatic Fringe, and their numbers are growing. While the rise of the internet fed …

Mini-Me: Greek Banks Run, IOUs New Drachma–Five Different Economies Running Side by Side in Greece

Huh? Greeks Bank Run; Lines Form at ATMs; Nearly $1 Billion Withdrawn in Past Week Without a government for the last eleven days, and amid mainstream discussion of a Euro Zone exit, the Greek people are realizing that the economic and political system as they know it is rapidly descending into chaos. With massive jobless …

Josh Kilbourn: Breaking Faith – $1 Trillion Student Debt Bubble Bursting — Unemployment Rate in US for 18-24 is 46%

The First Crack: $270 Billion In Student Loans Are At Least 30 Days Delinquent Back in late 2006 and early 2007 a few (soon to be very rich) people were warning anyone who cared to listen, about what cracks in the subprime facade meant for the housing sector and the credit bubble in general. They …

Josh Kilbourn: Why Retail Investors Should Flee Stocks

An interesting read. A Hedge Fund Insider Explains Why Retail Investors Should Flee The Stock Market Regular readers know that ever since 2009, well before the confidence destroying flash crash of May 2010, Zero Hedge had been advocating that regular retail investors shun the equity market in its entirety as it is anything but “fair and …