SPECIAL: Iran Is Almost Certainly Telling the Truth about CIA Spies

Iran Sentences “CIA Spy Ring” To Death; Publishes Video & Photos Of Americans ROBERT STEELE:  I believe the Iranians are telling the truth about having captured a number of Iranian traitors, and about having photographic and other (audio visual) evidence showing their CIA clandestine case officer handlers. Everyone forgets that two of my classmates, Jay …

SPECIAL: Robert Steele in Tehran Times on Full Disclosure (extraterrestrials, No Nuclear War, End of the Deep State?) UPDATE: Front Page Print Edition, Info to President Trump

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/ET-No-Nukes Full Disclosure: Extraterrestrials, No Nuclear War, End of the Deep State? TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), regularly answers questions for Tehran Times.

Stephen E. Arnold: Librarians Protest Against CIA

Librarians Take a Stand At the recent American Library Association’s annual conference in D.C., the CIA had a booth set up to entice librarians into a new role as intelligence analysts. Pretty smart, I’ll admit, but many ALA members were very unhappy with the agency’s presence. Raw Story reports, “Citing CIA’s Dark History, Librarians Protest …