SPECIAL: Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 43 – Ben Garrison Disinvited from the White House

Zionist Strike 43: Controlling White House, Disinviting Ben Garrison The Zionists (the genocidal apartheid criminal invented state of Israel and its unregistered agents in the USA including AIPAC and ADL — not to be confused with Jews who uphold the Constitution) are clearly in control of the White House. We need a national “teach-in” on …

SPECIAL: Bill Binney Letter to AG Jefferson Sessions in May 2017 Breaking Open the NSA Database Against Traitors, Pedophiles, and White Collar Criminals

With the permission of Bill Binney, who is to NSA as I am to CIA, the below letter is provided to the public for information. We have redacted two sensitive sentences and contact information. There is a great deal more that could be done.  NSA did not contact Bill and NSA does not have a …

DefDog: CIA, Rap Music, Drugs, Crime, & Private Prisons

Unvetted but highly credible. “The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music and Destroyed a Generation” Phi Beta Iota: We agree.  This is consistent with the use of Hollywood and the music industry — along with drugs — to destroy multiple generations….by design. See Also: Review: TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin …