Journal: Eye Opener–Census Worker Found Hanged

A part-time Census Bureau field worker was found hanged in Kentucky Sept. 12 with the word “fed” scrawled across his chest, according to a law enforcement source. Bill Sparkman, 51, who was white, was found at the Daniel Boone National Forest in rural southeast Kentucky, the Associated Press first reported Wednesday night. Phi Beta Iota: …

Journal: Call for Signatures in Support of Open Primaries

There are at least four movements underway to destroy the two-party tyranny and restore the integrity of the U.S. electoral process and with it the integrity of the U.S. Government. Below is one such movement.  Others include the movement for Free and Open Elections, the movement to Unify Independents, and the movement to audit the …

Reference: Spy Credibility & Open Source

How to Restore Spies Credbility: Go Open Source By Noah Shachtman December 14, 2007 In the mid ’90s, Robert Steele, a former-CIA officer and early proponent of open source intelligence, testified before the Aspin-Brown Commission about the tremendous value of unclassified information. The Commission decided to put this open source intelligence, or “OSINT,” to the …