Daniel Ellsberg: US Culture of Secrecy & Security Overreach

Q&A: Daniel Ellsberg on US surveillance The famed American whistle-blower discusses US national security, and those who expose its overreach. Sadie Luetmer Al Jazeera, 24 February 2014 Huntingdon, United States – In 1971, US military analyst Daniel Ellsberg leaked thousands of pages of a top-secret study on the Vietnam War to the American press. The …

Bruce Schneier: It’s Time to Break Up NSA — Outline of Necessary Intelligence Reforms by Robert Steele

It’s Time to Break Up NSA Bruce Schneier CNN, 20 February 2014 Editor’s note: Bruce Schneier is a security technologist and author of Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust Society Needs to Thrive. (CNN) — The NSA has become too big and too powerful. What was supposed to be a single agency with a dual …

Berto Jongman: DroneShield Invented and In Demand — Will Drones (and Blimps) Lead to a Global Citizen Revolt?

DroneShield warns of low-flying UAVs with 18 nations demanding the device – inventor The Voice of Russia, 14 February 2014 In a matter of a few years, tons of drones could be whizzing around residential zones, taking away tiny pieces of privacy people once had. DroneShield is a fresh new concept that alerts of nearby …

Berto Jongman: GAO – U.S. intelligence agencies can’t justify why they use so many contractors

GAO – U.S. intelligence agencies can’t justify why they use so many contractors Brian Fung Washington Post, 14 February 2014 Private contractors play a huge role in the government, particularly in civilian intelligence services like the CIA. Contracting critics say it’s an addiction whose overhead costs drive up the federal budget and leads to data …