INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 4: Four Domains for Applied Intelligence

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Owl: Confirmation of John Brennan at CIA Equals Congressional Approval of Open Season on “So-Called Americans” — Without Due Process, At Home or Abroad — And Thousands More Extrajudicial Killings of Foreigners

This offers a brilliant analysis, a “connecting of the dots,” of why Petreaus was set up to leave CIA. But that’s not the main story. The general’s affair was cover used by Obama for getting rid of Petraeus to install Brennan for a special purpose: “If Brennan were to succeed Petraeus at the C.I.A., the …

INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 3: The Human Factor

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INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 2: The InfoSphere & Its Enemies

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Intelligence with Integrity Chapter 1: Public Governance & Public Intelligence

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Mini-Me: Bin Laden — the Story Continues — Zero Dark Thirty as the Glorification of Treason — What Price Integrity? How Many SEALS Must Die For a Lie?

Huh? “Zero Dark Thirty”: The deeper, darker truths Jim Fetzer, former Marine Veterans Today, 26 January 2013 A film that may even take the Academy Award for “Best Picture of 2012” raises serious moral issues; glorifies a political stunt and is based on an historical fiction. It is the latest in Obama propaganda. Osama bin …