Review: Orbiting the Giant Hairball–A Corporate Fool’s Guide to Surviving with Grace

Over the Top on Cute, Profound Insights, No Solutions September 4, 2001 Gordon MacKenzieI would never have bought this book off the shelf, because it is way over the top with cutesy child-like drawings, hard to read type, and other affectations–it goes beyond charming toward excessive cosmetics. It was, however, recommended by someone I trust, …

Review: Global Brain–The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century

5 out of 5 Stars Live and Let Die Group Dynamics, Bacteria Are Winning July 13, 2001 Very very few books actually need to be read word for word, beginning with the bibliography and ending with the footnotes. This is one of those books. While there are some giant leaps of faith and unexplained challenges …

Review: Protecting Public Health and the Environment–Implementing The Precautionary Principle

4.0 out of 5 stars On Target but Fragmented–Needs New Edition with Summary June 2, 2001 Carolyn Raffensperger (Editor), Joel Tickner (Editor), Wes Jackson (Foreword) This is the second best of several books on environmental policy I have reviewed, and it merits careful scrutiny in part because it brings together a number of expert authors …

Review: Pandora’s Poison–Chlorine, Health, and a New Environmental Strategy (Paperback)

Double Value: on Environmental *and* Information Strategy June 2, 2001 Joe Thornton This is the best of the several environmentally-oriented books I have reviewed recently, and it offers a double value: not only does it lay out a persuasive social, economic, and political case for abandoning the Risk Paradigm of permissive pollution in favor of …