Marcus Aurelius: George Friedman on the Crisis of the Middle Class and American Power

The Crisis of the Middle Class and American Power Geopolitical Weekly Stratfor Editor’s Note: The following Geopolitical Weekly originally ran in January 2013. By George Friedman When I wrote about the crisis of unemployment in Europe, I received a great deal of feedback. Europeans agreed that this is the core problem while Americans argued that the United States …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner – Heather Linebaugh on Ending Drone Program

Heather Linebaugh’s personal account of her work on the US drone program gives one set of reasons for why that program should be stopped immediately. Another reason was given by the Prime Minister of Pakistan two days ago: the use of drones in Pakistan violates the national sovereignty of that country and is protested by …

Mini-Me: Islamic Banks, Stuffed With Cash, Explore Partnerships in West

Huh? Islamic Banks, Stuffed With Cash, Explore Partnerships in West A noted Muslim law scholar, Yusuf DeLorenzo, recently pored through the books of Continental Rail, a business that runs freight trains up and down the East Coast. Along with examining the company’s financial health, Mr. DeLorenzo sought to make sure that the rail cars didn’t …

Rickard Falkvinge: Today’s Technology Shift Has Parallels To When Universities Were Threatened By… Textbooks

Today’s Technology Shift Has Parallels To When Universities Were Threatened By… Textbooks Infopolicy – Henrik Brändén:  Today’s technology shift has many parallels with the arrivals of mass-printed books at universities. At the time, teachers at universities were horrified that the availability of books undermined their ability to charge students for reading aloud. There is something …

Owl: Corporate Dirty Tricks Against Non-Profits – Hiring Portions of National Security Enterprise Against Activists

New Report Supplying Details on Corporate Espionage – Spooky Business: Corporate Espionage Against Nonprofit Organizations From this report’s contents, we find it evident that no type of nonprofit, no matter how benign or noble in its aims against injustice and wrong – even nursing home activists! – is exempt from spying by aggressive, malign predator …