NIGHTWATCH Extract: Iran/NKorea Rockets for Venezuela

Venezuela-Iran: Die Welt is the original source for the following item, which is too important to overlook. “Iran is planning to place medium-range missiles on Venezuelan soil, based on unidentified western sources, according to an article in the German daily, Die Welt, on 25 November. According to the article, an agreement between the two countries …

Journal: Wikileaks Exposes How NYT and Washington Post Shill for US Government on Iran Missile “Threat”

Iranians (Persians) have viewed Russia (Soviet Union) with distrust and as a menace or outright threat for hundreds of years, at least since the Russian Tsars cemented their expansion into Turkestan (or the Turkic countries in what is now called Central Asia).  The fact that Iran sits on top of one of the world’s largest …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: China-Iran Rail + China ReCap

China-Iran: China’s Railways Minister Liu Zhijun will visit Tehran on 12 September to sign a contract between Iran and a Chinese company to build a $2 billion rail link to Iran, according to Iranian Transport Minister Hamid Behbahani. Transport ministers from Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Iran are expected to gather in Dushanbe in October to firm …

Search: iran empire map

Righteous search, not much here before, but fun to browse. Images of the Persian/Iranian Empires Over Time Persian Empire Maps Structured Usefully Wikipedia on Iran with Sequential Dynasties Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies Map Sequence Not Same at Ottoman (Turkish) Empire

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Dictators vs Iran in Middle East

Syria-Saudi Arabia-Lebanon: Syria and Saudi Arabia pledged to support efforts to stabilize Lebanon and preserve its security and unity, Reuters reported 29 July. A joint statement from Saudi King Abdullah and Syrian President Bashar al Asad also called for better inter-Arab relations, praised Turkey’s support for the Palestinians and called for the formation of a …