Joachim Hagoplan: American [Pedophilia] Empire Exposed

American Empire Exposed Pizzagate Turned PedoGate Leads to Momentum Surge in Busting Global Child Sex Trafficking Rings This article will examine the current status of the so called “Pizzagate” scandal. But from here on out this presentation will refer to it as PedoGate for several reasons. Read full article with many links.

Berto Jongman: Hundreds of Pedophilia Arrests Across US Connected to Washington DC Pizzagate

Hundreds Arrested In Nationwide Pizzagate Raids A massive nationwide sting has seen over 500 individuals connected to child sex offences arrested in the first of many Pizzagate raids.  Officials from police departments, fire departments and local government are said to be among the hundreds arrested, as the FBI ramp up efforts to arrest everybody connected …