Robert Steele: Space Warfare, Risk of Space Meltdown – Extraterrestrial Appraisal

Space warfare and the risk of space meltdown (for example, the loss of all satellites that provide communications and geospatial navigation services) is a very real concern. Separately there is the matter of stellar civilizations and the secret space force as well as off-planet trafficking in humans and especially children. Below are comments from two …

Who’s Who in Cultural Intelligence: Darrell Y. Hamamoto, PhD

Darrell Y. Hamamoto, PhD is a world-recognized authority on media and popular culture. He has published books on US television and cultural criticism during a career that concluded with over twenty years of tenured service with the University of California, Davis. Professor Hamamoto has been the recipient of a Rockefeller research fellowship at UCLA, Fulbright …

Cornel West (Video, 26:54): Joe Biden a Neoliberal Disaster, Donald Trump a Neofascist Catastrophe!

He briefly states that he suspects the role of US army and Israeli actors in the Beirut explosions. The rest of the 25 minutes he reasserts his condemnation of the empire’s relentless murderous assault on a large part of the planet. He rejects both the “neoliberal disaster” Biden and the “neofascist disaster” Trump. He feels …