Stephen E. Arnold: CaseText – New Legal Case Search System

Casetext: A Disrupter Legal information is of interest to legal eagles. However, a business move by Casetext may cause pain at professional publishing shops operated by LexisNexis and Westlaw. Both companies pride themselves on their technology savvy. But a four year old company may have become the little engine that could run over executives napping …

Stephen E. Arnold: Experian Scan of the Deep Web & More…

 The DarkCyber program for January 16, 2018, reports on a possible Dark Web kidnapping, the Experian Dark Web scanning service, the shift to Monero and Zcash for some Dark Web merchants, and a facet of net neutrality which may provide some streamlined methods for law enforcement and intelligence professionals.

Stephen E. Arnold: Adam Smith of Wired on It’s Gonna Get a Lot Easier to Break Science Journal Paywalls

It’s Gonna Get a Lot Easier to Break Science Journal Paywalls EXTRACTS: For example the Chan Zuckerberg Initative, philanthropic arm of the founder of Facebook, is working on something aimed at increasing access. The founders of Mendeley have a new, venture-backed PDF finder called Kopernio. A browser extension called Unpaywall roots around the web for …