Mongoose: Fauci’s NIH Funded Wuhan Military Scientist Who Died Mysteriously After Filing COVID Vaccine Patent

Fauci’s NIH Funded Wuhan Military Scientist Who Died Mysteriously After Filing COVID Vaccine Patent As we move further down the rabbit hole of exactly what in the devil has been going on in China’s ‘bat labs,’ we now turn our attention to one Zhou Yusen – a Chinese military scientist specializing in coronaviruses who collaborated …

12-Step Program to #UNRIG and Restore American Election Integrity

“There is nothing wrong with America the Beautiful that cannot be fixed, and fixed quick, by restoring integrity to how we self-govern. Election fraud is the foundation of the Deep State; Election reform is how We the People take the power back to make America great again.” -Robert David Steele Join Robert David Steele in …

DefDog: Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx’d

Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx’d The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing for “Covid19” in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy “vaccines” are effective at preventing the alleged disease. They made no secret of this, …

Tyler Durden: “The Problem Is That Your Ideas Are Stupid” – Bill Maher Blasts “Gullible” Millennials

  Something strange is occurring in the gutter of “liberal comedy”… After four years of constant attacks on anything ‘Trumpian’ and constant ignorance of anything ‘Left’, one man has begun to realize that there is plenty of farce on both sides of the aisle and virtue-signaling to your cocktail party co-conspirators just doesn’t pay the bills …

Mongoose: “How Did Democrats Wind Up Believing Such Crap?” – Bill Maher Blasts Liberal Media’s COVID ‘Panic Porn’

Comedian Bill Maher used his HBO show once again to highlight some awkward ‘facts’ and ask some uncomfortable questions about media and politicians approach to COVID. He rightly decries the politicization of medicine and the manner in which the media has been a handmaiden of panic throughout. Let us hope that his monologue, transcript below, …

Def Dog: What Will The Western Half Of The US Look Like During “The Second Dust Bowl”?

Scientists have begun using the term “megadrought” to describe the multi-year drought that has been plaguing the western half of the country, and now we are being told that it looks like 2021 will be the worst year of this “megadrought” so far by a wide margin. That is extremely troubling news, because major water …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – March 2021 #4 Lights Out NYC!

DO NOT MISS THE #UNRIG TRUTH TOUR! 15 May to 6 September — EPIC! Three Russian nuclear submarines surface within a reported 15 minute missile range of NYC and a video sent to NATO showing the Russians opening three ICBM missile hangers all in one week. Do you think the Russians are trying to …