Stephen E. Arnold: Been Raped? There’s a List for Sale with Your Name On It…

Data Broker Offered Sensitive Lists for Sale Now this is downright creepy. The Wall Street Journal’s tech site Digits notifies us that “Data Broker Removes Rape-Victims List After Journal Inquiry.” As the headline states, the list has now been removed, but yikes! Medbase200 offered this tragic roster for sale, along with ones listing victims of …

Review (Guest): Goliath – Life and Loathing in Greater Israel

Max Blumenthal When tribalism trumps democracy, January 10, 2014 Herbert L. Calhoun In the Middle East, another war of biblical proportions is taking place. It is the war between Judaism and democracy. This book tells us that the most famous outcome in the bible, the tale of David slaying Goliath, is now being reversed. This …

Chuck Spinney: Neutral Jews? Not Today, Not Ever

The Uri Avnery has written a simple and profound portrait of how the differing narratives have hijacked  the Orientations in the OODA loops of all the players in the Arab – Israeli conflict, including particularly the self-styled ‘honest brokers’ in the United States, as well as the belligerents in the Arab – Israeli Conflict.  IMO, …