Berto Jongman: How the Sunni-Shia schism is dividing the world — while a retarded US Government spins its wheels and remains clueless….

How the Sunni-Shia schism is dividing the world The unprecedented Saudi refusal to take up its Security Council seat is not just about Syria but a response to the Iranian threat Robert Fisk The Independent, 23 October 2013 The Muslim world’s historic – and deeply tragic – chasm between Sunni and Shia Islam is having …

Neal Rauhauser: US Aircraft Carriers — Way Too Many, Irresponsibly Drawing Resources Away from a Long-Haul Air Force and an Air-Mobile Army

Global Aircraft Carrier Infographic Some weeks ago I wrote Carriers Of The Pacific, a comparison of the U.S. fleet vs. other countries, prompted by the U.S. “pivot to the east”. One Chart Shows The Magnitude Of U.S. Naval Dominance provides an infographic that makes things crystal clear. Two thirds of all carriers belong to the U.S. …

Patrick Meier: Digital Humanitarians: From Haiti Earthquake to Typhoon Yolanda

Digital Humanitarians: From Haiti Earthquake to Typhoon Yolanda We’ve been able to process and make sense of a quarter of a million tweets in the aftermath of Typhoon Yolanda. Using both AIDR (still under development) and Twitris, we were able to collect these tweets in real-time and use automated algorithms to filter for both relevancy and uniqueness. The …

4th Media: Global Power Project (Part I, II, & III)

Part I: Global Power Project: Exposing the Institute of International Finance This is the first of a series of exposés focusing on the Institute of International Finance (IIF), the very “visible hand” of financial markets. It is a continuation of the Global Power Project produced by Part 1 examines the origins of the IIF. Founded …

Chuck Spinney: Strategy? Or Stupidity on a Grand Scale?

Professor Brenner gave me permission to distribute and post the attached essay.  Without saying so, he describes a way that seems tailor-made to systematically violate just about all the criteria for a sensible grand strategy.    Chuck Spinney The Blaster   27 OCTOBER 2013 NSA DOES THE GRAND TOUR by Michael Brenner, PhD Professor of International …

Chuck Spinney: Is Israel an Apartheid State?

Attached is a thoughtful essay in which Israeli war hero (1948), ex-Knesset member, and peace activist Uri Avnery examines the likenesses and differences between Israel and Apartheid South Africa. Chuck Spinney ————————————————– WEEKEND EDITION OCTOBER 25-27, 2013 South African Apartheid was Brought Down by the Blacks Themselves Is Israel an Apartheid State? by URI AVNERY, …